Bathroom remodeling for a fresh mind
That sounds pretty weird? Why would a master bath remodel make your mind fresh?
Well, let´s check it out!
When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is going to the bathroom to take a shower or wash your face and brush your teeth.
You might still be sleepy doing this, but did you ever perceive your environment? You probably just see the dirty sink and all the long hair on the floor or the water drops on the mirror.
Let´s take another situation as an example: Did you live in a shared flat during your university time? Do you remember how the bathroom looked like most of the time?
While I studied I shared a flat (and a bathroom) with five other students, sometimes we were pretty clean and organized but there were times where you try to not touch anything in the bathroom because it is so dirty.
For a while, it does not matter
The aspect that has to be considered here is the time. Having a dirty, well-used, or old-looking bathroom doesn´t matter much because we just do the essentials and don´t care much how it looks because we are busy with our life. Being young we can forgo luxury because our focus is very different.
A public toilet is the best example of that. We use it and don´t care much how it looks because we just go there because we need to. And we only spend there some minutes before we leave and forget the dirty place immediately.
So, having a bathroom that fulfills the basic needs is sufficient for a certain period of time, because we know that we will not live with that for the rest of our life.
It matters on a long term
I realized that it matters in a long term. I had my wild university life with the dirty bathroom memories, but now my situation changed.
As I moved to my own apartment I had an old, pretty well-used bathroom. In the beginning, I didn´t care much about it and just used it ignoring the old sink or broken mirror.
One day, while being on holiday in a nice hotel, I was so impressed with the fancy bathroom. I never gave a lot of attention to it because the bathroom was not a room where I spend much time in. But in that Hotel, I found out how much a proper bathroom can impact your mind.
Do you know what I did when I came home? Yes, I renovated my own bathroom, renewed and remodeled everything. I designed it in my very own way.
Every morning I am waking up and going to a beautiful bathroom, taking a shower, getting fresh. I don´t connect my bathroom with the feeling of disgust anymore. It became a place where I feel comfortable and willing to spend time.
And as the bathroom is one of the first rooms I go to in the morning, I absolutely believe that it impacts my mind a lot, because I am confronted with aesthetics and a clean design I like. It definitely motivates me to wake up and get fresh without having a rush getting out of the bathroom.
Try it yourself! Remodel your bathroom to get a fresh, positive, and happy mind every morning to start your day.

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