There are very few singers who understand music like how Lakshan Pamesh does. Many people release songs to get instant fame and make money without putting in hard work.
But Lakshan always has composed his music according to the audience’s taste. Because of his dedication and commitment to providing high-quality music, he has been able to establish himself as one of the global celebrities.
He is a true example of a singer who is following his passion to make a positive impact in the world.
Lakshan Pamesh Details
- Born on Dec, 22, 1998
- Grew up in Padukka, a city located in Colombo District
- Professional Singer, Composer & Producer
- Expert in digital marketing
- Serial entrepreneur
Lakshan Pamesh is one of the remarkable talents in the music industry standing out with his talent and dedication.
Check out his official YouTube channel:
There is no doubt that he is the most famous singer in Sri Lanka and has a huge fan base that is constantly waiting for new releases and is always looking forward to his next concert.
Lakshan is a multi-talented artist who has a wide knowledge of social media, web & app development, journalism, and more. He believes getting to the top alone is not an ideal success. This is why he is always ready to help beginners who want to have a career as a musician. His expertise in social media consulting and analysis has helped numerous people become successful.
If you are a music lover then it’s a must to check his album “ The Story Of Lakshan”. Here you will be able to find a collection of world-class music from him that will give you a new perspective and understanding of music.
Lakshan puts so much love and real emotions in his music that the listeners can feel it and immediately connect with it. Hearing the song once is not enough. His music is like an addiction. People play his songs over and over again because they can’t get enough.
He is a genius, and many people are always excited about his newly released albums. Lakshan albums give feel-good vibes, motivate and inspire people all over the world.
Listen his music on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0ubg79HvHFDuAQsBizulxk?si=Y-V1gphpQpOYPWOR0a-Qig
Itunes: https://music.apple.com/be/artist/lakshan-pamesh/1550993052
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/121509362
Follow him on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lpameshofficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lpamesh/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LPamesh
Check out his official website:
Website – https://www.lakshanpamesh.com/

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