Patrick Dailey : Thought Leader To Follow This Year
To be successful we have to work smart, have a team who understand the vision, and focus on customer satisfaction. Additionally, we need to maintain motivation so every day we have the energy to work and give our best. Because of a lack of self-motivation, numerous startups fail within the first 5 years.
Enter Patrick Dailey; Author, Speaker, Music Maker, and Influencer. Because of his astounding work, he has been featured by numerous international publications. Silicon Valley Times names Patrick Dailey, one of the thought leaders to follow in 2022. What’s impressive about Patrick is his dedication to helping people live the life they desire.
We recently had a chance to have a quick conversation with Patrick and get some advice for our audience. His tips can bring positive change and help individuals to live an abundant life.
Here are some of the questions we asked Patrick Dailey:
How can any individual get self-motivation?
Self-motivation is easy to get, but many people find it extremely difficult to utilize it the right way. One of the reasons this happens is because people don’t believe they could break that mental wall. Self-motivation depends a lot on the individual’s mindset who believes change is possible.
There are numerous people who are highly self-motivated and they deal with problems smoothly. They often move on faster to find the solution rather than stay depressed.
One of the amazing tools for my self-motivation for many years is helping others. Whether through my social media, podcasting, or various other platforms, empowering humans has helped me to know the value of my work. The impact I make on people makes me happy and motivates me every day.
For entrepreneurs who are looking to break the barrier and become the best version of themself, I advise you to practice a growth mindset. It’s crucial because it makes us limitless and helps us to become strong mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Another thing to do to get self-motivated is to look for the good side in every problem. The more we think about failure, the harder it will be to get out of it. There are always solutions for problems & learning every day boosts confidence and knowing the value of change increases self-motivation.
What advice would you like to give an aspiring entrepreneur?
There are many people who think being an entrepreneur is making money and living a luxurious life. For aspiring entrepreneurs, I want them to understand that entrepreneurship is about making an impact. Build something that will solve people’s problems. If you don’t have the fund to start a company then create awareness about the solution.
Another thing to keep in mind during the journey is to not give up. When you do something that you are passionate about, keep working on it even if the scale of impact is small.
The world is getting competitive, so make strategies that will help your company to differentiate from others. Always focus on learning and being innovative.
Why do you think it’s important to have a life coach or mentor?
We all want a happy and successful life, but many people struggle for years to achieve it. This is because the individual has to learn everything by themselves and experiment for a long time to get an algorithm to succeed.
With a life coach, things can get easier. They already know the steps that are needed to achieve one’s goal, and experienced coaches have numerous proven records of successful clients.
Working with a life coach or mentor is one of the secrets of highly successful people. When an individual starts a business we often look to hire people who can help us to do marketing, accounting, management, and more. But people never think to hire coaches who can assist/advise on how to run the business. This is one of the common mistakes many entrepreneurs/ business owners make.
When an individual works with life coaches, they will be able to find the weakness that’s stopping them, the strength they can maximize, get clarification, and ultimately have a meaningful life.
Check out Patrick Dailey website:

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