Macy Schuchart Disrupting The Wellness Industry With Ancient Bliss

Macy Schuchart Disrupting The Wellness Industry With Ancient Bliss

People around the world are facing numerous problems related to health, mainly because of inappropriate eating habits. The fast food that people consume often creates tiredness, stress, overweight, lack of focus, and more. Our human body is capable of performing extraordinary tasks and assisting to create a global impact, if only we maintain it with the right supplements.

Enter Macy Schuchart, Founder, and CEO of Ancient Bliss. She believes that everyone is able to transform their life towards positivity and abundance by treating the body like a temple. With Ancient Bliss, she is on a mission to serve a wide variety of 100% organic, all-natural health & wellness supplements.

Silicon Valley Times recognizes Macy Schuchart as one of The Top 30 Entrepreneurs in the wellness Industry.

Today we’re thrilled to welcome Macy Schuchart to our media. This interview will be full of valuable information about health and the need for the right supplements. We hope our readers will benefit and learn amazing tips from Macy.

Hello Macy, please tell our readers how you end up starting Ancient Bliss?

Macy Schuchart: Thank you for your invitation, I’m happy to be here and share my expertise, experience, and my work. I always knew there is a higher power that is guiding me to my soul purpose. The belief and trust lead me toward discovering my passion for health & wellness. No matter what I did, it always kept finding its way back to me. Eager to learn more I traveled to Hawaii, found my connection with nature and learned about herbalism and the different cultures. I developed a lot of respect for the Hawaiian elders and the ancestral wisdom that was backed behind everything they did. During the experience, my perspective on life, connection to the natural world and view on health completely changed.

Learning about the people, their ancient practices & proven healing methods inspired me to create Ancient Bliss.

Inspired by Pele, the Ancient Hawaiian Goddess of volcanoes who represents the transformative power we possess.

With Ancient Bliss we provide herbal supplements that heal the body & mind. The ingredients and process of creation are taken from ancient indigenous wisdom and health science. The products we serve guarantee to improve the health and happiness of the customers.

We have numerous clients who are happy with the product and are sharing their experiences with their friends and family. Our aim is to serve the best organic supplements that create a positive impact. Every supplement is made in an NSF GMP-registered dietary supplement manufacturing facility. The products are of high quality and provide effective results within a short period.

Ancient Bliss

Do you think spirituality is needed to achieve a successful career?

Macy Schuchart: Spirituality is one of the fundamental sources to create a successful and happy life. Although what “spirituality” means to each individual is completely different. For those people who feel stuck and are having trouble finding the right career, spirituality can be a great tool. There are numerous ways the universe gives signs to people to achieve their desired goal. And practicing meditation, knowing about energies & their vibration is the way to understand them (spiritual guidance) and take action for effective results.

For me, spirituality is something that I practice every day and always recommend to others. I want the reader to know that spirituality doesn’t mean to become religious, it’s a way to become a better version of yourself, being conscious of the actions one takes and connecting with the universe. In the end, everything we are creating is coming from something outside of us, we are just the vessel used to flow that energy into existence. The same creative energy used to create waterfalls, forests, rivers, and mountains is flowing through us right now. Every thought we possess is energy and when we provide intentional action to that impulse, we set that energy into motion and create something beautiful. Successful entrepreneurs understand this fact and often meditate at least 10 to 30 min a day. Spirituality is a secret weapon to achieve success in anything we do.

Can you recommend some tips on how to take care of the body?

Macy Schuchart: Taking care of the body is easy when someone is committed. I believe almost everyone knows some of the ways to take care of the body but they often don’t follow it with discipline. That is the major problem; knowing things and ignoring them.

Here are the basic ways to take care of the body for someone willing to build better health.

Get good sleep

Because of work, and other reasons people are getting stressed throughout the day. Some individuals are not able to recover their anxiety during sleep which causes them to feel worse the next day. The body and brain repairs itself through deep breathing, and we are breathing our deepest when we sleep. It is one of the best ways to rejuvenate the energy and get the required energy to deal with any kind of problem.

Eat healthily

What we eat has a direct impact on our health. Organic food has the necessary ingredients that enhance our immunity and recover the body from toxins. A healthy diet supports the proper development and growth of the body. When the body is in such management, the risk of chronic diseases reduces and enhances proper mind & body connection for happiness.


The advantages of regular exercises are extraordinary for our human body. Whether it is running, yoga, weight lifting, or other forms, every kind of workout has its benefits. Regular exercise develops a better mood which strengthens work, relationships, happy family, and more.

Positive thoughts

The quality of our thoughts have a direct impact on our general well-being. Positive thoughts promote healing and longevity, whereas negative thoughts promote a weakened immune system and disease. Practicing mindfulness, gratitude, and a general appreciation for life is essential in taking care of the body.

It was great to learn some of the health tips from Macy. If you are interested to try some of the Ancient Bliss products, check out the official website:
Or you can find them here on amazon