Emotional Intelligence courses for aspiring leaders
One of the important things that are required to become successful in any industry is to have refined soft skills. A person with good communication skills has the ability to inspire employees and solve any kind of dispute effortlessly. Similarly, people with better emotional intelligence are self-aware of their feelings, abilities, weak spots, and strengths.
People with soft skills often know how other individuals around them are feeling (empathy) and can communicate accordingly when needed. They can interact effectively and harmoniously with others. Emotionally intelligent people aren’t scared of taking risks, they think big, support others to succeed, and are better at self-management.
Studies by Stanford Research Institute and the Carnegie Mellon Foundation among Fortune 500 CEOs established that 75% of long-term job success resulted from soft skills mastery and only 25% from technical skills.
According to a Microsoft and McKinsey research 30 to 40 percent of future jobs will depend on social-emotional (soft)skills.
For many individuals, it’s hard to build up those skills but once they overcome self-doubt, they can achieve the desired results including a happy life, successful career, higher income, stronger relationship, and many more.
Meet George, founder of CRREST. He is a transformative educator helping numerous businesses and individuals to thrive with the adaptation of soft skills.
Currently, George and his company are offering a new course for language school Immerse based in Hong Kong. The course will focus on boosting the emotional intelligence of kids and providing soft skills.
Researchers at Boston University, and the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business found that workers with soft skills training are 12% more productive than those without them. Harvard University reported that 85% of success in the workplace is attributed to Soft skills and only 15% to technical skills.
In the workspace, the client’s first contact is often with the employees. That is why it’s important that the staff are trained with emotional intelligence so that they can deal calmly and have the ability to clarify any doubts.
Emotional intelligent people are creative, have a growth mindset and they never give up. These skills are significant to becoming a leader. That is why it’s good to learn these skills from a young age.
Teaching children quality habits and encouraging them towards soft skills, helps them to think uniquely. Soft skills are one of the biggest lacking skills and with the right transformative courses, everyone can adapt the skill to become a better version of themselves.
About the course:
George and his team have many evidence-based proven trainings that help businesses, organizations, institutes, schools, and more to transform and become the leader of any industry.
The emotional intelligence course for language school Immerse Languages is innovative and impactful. Through an online seminar ( ½ hours) children will be introduced to different aspects of soft skills, how it will benefit their day to day life and involve short activities that will help them to embrace the change.
After that there will be 2 classes per week for 2 months.
Here are the detail information about the class and Curriculum
The content of the lessons is based on research on emotional intelligence, resilience, post-traumatic growth, neuroscience, mindfulness/ focused attention, and SEL. The whole child—mind, heart, and body—is supported through these lessons.
Special attention is paid to how our physical bodies (nerves, muscles, etc.), minds (the triune brain), and hearts (emotions) work in collaboration to promote health, learning, and connection.
The curriculum is divided into four units:
Courage, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Compassion in Action
These skills help students to:
• Increase their awareness of emotions
• Manage their feelings when appropriate
• Regulate their feelings at the moment
Today we’re thrilled to have George in our media and get some tips for our readers. This exclusive interview is filled with valuable information and tips.
1.Hello George, can you please tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up choosing your field.
George: I’ve been working in training and education for 14 years. In K-12 and the corporate world of banking, IT, and Hospitality. I got into Social-emotional learning when I finally started to bridge what I was learning from meditation and opening up to soft skills after realizing how important these were for success. I was the Dean at an international school and had to manage many behavior issues. I implemented a curriculum I patched together and created some of my own activities that I used in the classroom.
2.How is this course different from others in the field?
George: We do not have boundaries or ‘filters’ for what can be used where. There is no ‘box’ or standard that applies to a specific age or industry.. People are people, and the skills of self-awareness, self-knowledge, and interpersonal relations apply to all people.
3. What advice would you give to someone asking for advice about becoming an entrepreneur?
George: Know thyself is not just some proverb that we should take for granted, it is a proverb to live by. If you don’t know yourself you’ll end up in a whole lot of confusion and hurt later on. Fortunately, nowadays there are practical ways to do this, and they are available on the internet.
4. What is your business all about?
George: Using evidence-based methodologies to deliver content that will enable clients to know themselves and increase personal growth in organic and sustainable ways.
5. How can you be reached if someone is interested in your products or services?
If you want to reach out to me, please feel free to contact me via the official website:

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