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She helps companies outperform their competition. Meet Batool Zaidi – Director Excelify Solutions

She helps companies outperform their competition. Meet Batool Zaidi - Director Excelify Solutions

She helps companies outperform their competition. Meet Batool Zaidi - Director Excelify Solutions

I had the pleasure of interviewing Batool Zaidi, Director at Excelify Solutions. Located in London, UK, Excelify Solutions is a B2B Lead Generation and Business Development company. The organization offers intelligent sales and marketing services for customers who want to access more sales opportunities and grow their business.Silicon Valley Times has recognized Batool Zaidi as one of the Top 10 Women in International Business of the year 2021.

The team works closely with the clients within the UK and globally to create a detailed specification and always strives to send qualified leads that transform into new customers.

Excelify Solution’s business method is very different; you do not pay if you are not content with the service, quality or appointments. Exceptional service begins with trained and helpful experts, which is why Excelify Solutions puts so much forethought into choosing only the best to join its team. The professionals have worked with many clients throughout the area. They complete projects efficiently, on schedule, and strive to build lasting relationships with clients. They have worked with numerous clients from IT, Energy, Engineering, Electrical, E-Commerce, Software, Construction Industries.

1. Tell me a little bit about your background and how you ended up choosing your field.

I have business development and sales background and I am responsible for the operational leadership of Excelify Solutions as director. I always wanted to be a part of a customer centric and transparent Company. Excelify Solutions is a one stop solution for any company’s business development, sales or marketing needs, be it appointment setting, lead generation or sales. Also we are the only marketing company offering money back guarantee because we believe in transparency and our approach is customer centric. You can count on Excelify Solutions to not only meet but exceed all your requirements and requests.

2. Tell us a little bit about your marketing process, what has been the most successful form of marketing for you?

We’ve always believed the best marketing is our customers. We have worked with numerous clients from different sectors mainly software, education, engineering, e-commerce, electrical, construction etc.

The service we provide them leaves us top of mind for our customers. The best form of marketing for us is in our effort and commitment to our customers.

Also, we practice what we preach. We develop unique, highly targeted campaigns and deliver them to the right people at the right time and through the right avenues.

3. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Cant seem to remember one, but I surely have made many tiny mistakes, and have always learned from them 😊

Batool Zaidi, Director at Excelify Solutions

4. What is the one quote that you live your life by?

My favourite quote is “we rise by lifting others”, I totally believe in it, sometimes a smile or a gentle word can make all of the difference to someone who could really use a lift.

5. How do you personally define success? What does it mean to you?

Success is something that you have to define for yourself, and no one can do it for you. For me success means giving back to the world and making a difference.

.6. What are tips you can share with our readers?

I would say be honest and follow your passion.

7. How can you be reached if someone is interested in your products or services?

Of course your readers can follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn @excelifysolutions, and our website is

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