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Cassandra Cadorin, The Female Founder Disrupting The Tech Industry

Cassandra Cadorin, The Female Founder Disrupting The Tech Industry

Cassandra Cadorin, The Female Founder Disrupting The Tech Industry

Many businesses fail because they are not able to manage time and teams  properly. This is one of the issues numerous companies are facing regularly. In business working effectively is crucial to becoming productive and to do so, requires better systems.

Meet Cassandra Cadorin, Founder of CanTicket and serial entrepreneur. With her company, she is on a mission to help startups, businesses, freelancers, and more to handle their time and manage projects smoothly. 

Successful entrepreneurs master the time & team management skills so that they can focus on growing the business. Cassandra believes anyone with the proper management tools can accomplish the desired vision of the business without burning out or having pressure to work day and night.

Because of Cassandra’s excellent and impactful work, she has been honored with various awards in her career. 

Silicon Valley Times is thrilled to name Cassandra Cadorin one of the Top 20 Tech Female Founders to Follow.

Today we have Cassandra herself in our media. We are excited to share her entrepreneurial journey with our audience and get business tips from her.

Hello Cassandra, can you please tell us a little bit about you?

Cassandra Cadorin: I am second-generation Italian Australian. I grew up on a vineyard in regional Australia with traditional values and the understanding that if something was broken, we found a way to fix it. These values and mentality naturally drew me to always be “finding a solution” for every problem and showed me how to look at things from a different perspective. I am one of those people who love problem solving, and it has become one of my strengths in both my career and personal life.

I have never been shy about hard work and always have been a natural “Go Getter” as my Nonna (Grandmother) would say. I worked 7 days/12 hours for 4 months to save enough money to head off to the “Big Smoke” of Sydney and leave my country roots behind in 2007.

Originally I started my journey in media as a coffee girl/ dog walker but the agency owner saw my drive to achieve something bigger and that I had more to offer. He offered me the Agency Coordinator on my 2nd day, where I said yes, and have never looked back. Eight years later I was an Account Director of a leading London digital agencies largest account, with over 400 locations in the UK where I harnessed my leadership and organizational skills.

Returning to the family vineyard in 2016, I turned my hand to a tourism startup. With 12 years of experience working within agencies, I was able to build a thriving company quickly. Because of my work, I won multiple awards for “Outstanding Young Entrepreneur” and “Excellence in Micro Business with State Recognition”.

When the world turned upside down during the pandemic my tourism business naturally was affected, I had the staff, office space and equipment already in place so I pivoted back to my media and marketing career. I used my skills to set up a website agency to help local businesses become visible online which led me to start CanTicket.

That is a great journey, Cassandra. Thank you for sharing with us. Can you please tell us what the motivation was that made you take the lead in entrepreneurship?

Cassandra Cadorin: I found myself in a part-time role many years ago, when I was told to “ look busy” and realized that I would rather work hard than sit back and take the high road. 

SaaS is a competitive field. How do you differentiate your tool from others in your field?

Cassandra Cadorin: Native Time tracking and detailed reporting. If there’s one thing I have been asked throughout my career is “How long did that take?” or being asked to justify an invoice. These two issues shaped how our platform was built. CanTicket does all the standard project management tasks, however we have designed a software that helps businesses monetize time. Invoice clients more and force clients and team members to be more accountable for their requests.

What advice would you give to someone asking for tips about becoming an entrepreneur? And how should an individual look at the business?

Cassandra Cadorin: If you don’t know what to do. Don’t do anything.  Whatever industry you want to be in, find some time to learn about it. Jumping right in without any idea can lead you down a hard and dark parth. It’s easy to hire a cool space, fit it out with plants and invite some talented people to hang around with. 

You need to push yourself, challenge your own mindset and focus on self development. You don’t know what you don’t know. But you do know that you are responsible for your own successes and failures.

My father is a successful man and he said to me once, “Business is not about how much you make but it’s how much you save.” To anyone reading this, who thinks they may not have or be enough, Don’t focus on easy wins, focus on growing your customers from providing a quality service or experience. 

It was great to know the story of Cassandra and get some business advice from her. We hope this interview motivates our audience to look at a business from a different perspective.   

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