Speaker, podcaster, writer, and business owner, Nikki Green Launches her Bestselling Book ‘Chameleon Mindset’.

Speaker, podcaster, writer, and business owner, Nikki Green has somehow found the time to write her next book, ‘Chameleon Mindset.’ In this new best-selling book, Nikki writes about embracing change, building mental resilience, and kicking fear to the curb. Nikki’s mission in life is to shape the next generation of business leaders and give them the tools they’ll need to reach their fullest potential. From first-hand experience one must adapt to ever-changing environments and rules, much like how a chameleon adapts its colors to blend into their surroundings. Just because you blend in, that doesn’t mean that you can’t stand out for what you believe in and for what you want out of life. 

This is what Nikki shared with us in an exclusive interview. 

Tell us more about your bestselling book ‘Chameleon Mindset’? 

Chameleon Mindset is for people wanting to make a change in their life. I use creative ways to teach people how to adapt to change effortlessly and with excitement. People will have fun finding ways to transform their lives for the better.

What were the key challenges you faced when writing your book?

Over the years, I have done a lot of research on mindset. I wanted to understand why I was different from others and how I have been able to overcome the odds to go from simple beginnings to having a seat at the table with the world’s top Silicon Valley executives. Having run 7 marathons and numerous triathlons across 3 continents, I know how to do hard things and have fun doing it. So I wanted to condense that knowledge into actionable steps for others to achieve their dreams.

Between running your own coaching business, speaking, and podcasting– how did you find time to write? Any favorite time management tips you would like to share?

Small steps are the key. We can set big goals, like writing a book, but if we don’t take the time to sit down and do that very first step of writing, it will never get done. Too often, we let fear hold us back even starting the goal, so I encourage people not to worry about the finish line. Just step up to the start.

In Your new book, ‘Chameleon Mindset,’ you write about the chameleon and the zebra. Tell us more about that.

Currently, it’s easy to be influenced by zebras. They are all over Instagram, showing you their picture-perfect life where money falls from the sky. When behind the scenes, they are struggling and living a life that is anything but authentic.

I want to encourage people to be chameleons, adapting to life’s challenges and embracing the missteps as learning lessons that advance them towards their goals. Only when we remove the façade and become vulnerable with our wins and losses can we truly grow and succeed.

What motivates you and has that changed since you first started Green Chameleon Collective?

I am happy to say that I have become more chameleon myself. In my corporate life, I felt like I always had to be something else for others, and I had to retreat and hide my true fun-loving, adventurous nature to be accepted. The misogyny, racism, and socioeconomic discrimination I experienced as I climbed the corporate ladder wore me down year after year.

Having a business where I can genuinely help people and coach them to lead differently and change how we do business gives me hope for the future. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion need to be a part of everyone’s DNA, not just a PowerPoint slide from executives that checks a box.

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