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Monte Vista Christian School: A Place of Excellence, Character, and Community

Monte Vista Christian School: A Place of Excellence, Character, and Community

Monte Vista Christian School: A Place of Excellence, Character, and Community

Monte Vista Christian School (MVCS) is a renowned institution that provides a comprehensive education that focuses on academic excellence, spiritual growth, and character development. Founded in 1926, MVCS is located in Watsonville, California, and has a rich history of providing quality education to students from middle school through high school.

Academic Excellence

At MVCS, academic achievement is a top priority. The school’s International Baccalaureate curriculum is specifically tailored to challenge every student at every level, from the Middle Years Programme starting in sixth grade to the Diploma Programme which culminates in the eleventh and twelfth grades. MVCS is one of only a handful of IB-for-all private continuum schools in North America. The school offers a wide range of courses, custom-matched to your student(s), including honors classes and dual enrollment courses that have embedded college transfer credits which give students a jump start on their college or university course load. Students are taught by excellent teachers who are passionate about their subject matter and dedicated to helping students reach their highest potential.

In addition to classroom learning, MVCS also offers a variety of experiential learning and on-campus residential programs, such as part-time or full-time boarding – for both domestic and international learners. Other programs consist of outdoor education, horsemanship, the best fine arts opportunities in the region, competitive athletics with unbeatable facilities, and student club and internship opportunities. These programs provide students with hands-on growth experiences that complement their academic coursework and help them develop not only intellectually but also socially and emotionally as well.

Spiritual Growth

Since its beginning almost one hundred years ago, MVCS has always been a private, independent Christian school that is committed to serving towards the felt needs in the local community. All school employees have a Judeo-Christian worldview, and about one half of the student population shares in that. The rest of our community is broad and diverse, with many different belief systems and demographic and cultural groups vibrantly represented. The school’s core values of Make Christ Known, See Every Person, Craft Beauty, and Laugh Together are woven into every aspect of campus life, creating and sustaining a culture of honor, kindness, and community.

Character Development

At MVCS, whole-student character development is an essential part of every student’s educational experience. The school’s mission and values have been designed to help students develop the values and habits that will prepare them for success in all areas of life. Through this program and these points of emphasis, students learn the importance of making ethical decisions, becoming aware and productive global citizens, taking responsibility for their learning and growth, and treating others with care and honor. The school’s activities also include a plethora of community service initiatives that allow students to apply what they have learned at school to real-world situations.


MVCS is so much more than a school; it is a community. Built on a century-long legacy, the school’s tight-knit community includes students, parents, teachers, and staff who all work together to create a supportive and nurturing environment. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including athletics, fine arts, and special student-interest clubs, which provide all students with opportunities to explore their interests and develop their unique talents.

The school also fosters strong relationships between students and faculty, with small class sizes and a low student-to-teacher ratio. Learning loss doesn’t exist at MVCS, as teachers, parents, and students work in a continual rhythm of productive partnership. This allows the Faculty to provide personalized attention to each student and build meaningful connections with them.


Monte Vista Christian School is a place of excellence, character, and community. Its commitment to academic excellence, spiritual growth, character development, and community sets it apart as one of the top independent schools in northern California. If you are looking for a school that will provide your child with a well-rounded education and prepares them for success in all areas of life, MVCS is a perfect choice.

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