A.J. Rice: America's Publicist and Champion of Conservative Media

A.J. Rice: America's Publicist and Champion of Conservative Media

A.J. Rice has earned a reputation as America’s publicist and the undisputed GOAT (Greatest of All Time) of conservative public relations, a title not given lightly in the media world. His unique approach sets him apart, driven by deep roots in the political media landscape, and a hands-on experience that many in the PR industry cannot claim. Rice isn’t merely a behind-the-scenes operator; he’s been in the trenches, building some of the most influential talk radio shows in American history, notably The Laura Ingraham Show. This experience has positioned him at the forefront of conservative media, making him a critical voice in shaping the national conversation.

Rice emphasizes his real-world experience in media production as the key to his success. “No one wants a coach who hasn’t played the game,” he asserts. Unlike many in the public relations field, who remain behind closed doors, Rice has stepped out from behind the curtain with two best-selling books, fully engaging in the arena of ideas. His visibility and willingness to take part in public discourse are rare in the PR industry, where many prefer to remain in the background. This hands-on approach has earned him trust and credibility, both with his clients and the broader conservative movement.

One pivotal moment in Rice’s career was the emergence of Donald Trump onto the political scene. According to Rice, Trump’s entry into the presidential race was a game-changer for many in the PR and media industry. “When the OG came down the Golden Escalator,” Rice says, referring to Trump’s famous campaign launch, “everything changed.” Many publicists from the Reagan and Bush eras either retired or shifted their focus, unable or unwilling to navigate the new political landscape shaped by Trump and his MAGA movement. But not Rice. He embraced the shift and became, as he describes it, “the GOAT at the center of the MAGA Cinematic Universe.” His continued success in this space is a testament to his adaptability and his deep understanding of the conservative media ecosystem.

Rice’s influence extends beyond just media strategy and PR. His book The Woking Dead: How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture became a #1 Amazon bestseller, solidifying his role as a thought leader in conservative circles. The book is a sharp critique of what Rice calls the “woke mind virus,” a cultural phenomenon that he believes threatens the very fabric of American society. “We live in the greatest country that has ever existed,” Rice says, underscoring the privilege and responsibility that comes with being American. His message is clear: preserving America’s greatness requires rejecting the divisive ideologies that, in his view, are eroding personal freedoms.

Rice draws a parallel between the physical threat of the coronavirus and the ideological threat of wokeism. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he realized that the most dangerous virus wasn’t the one escaping from laboratories but rather the cultural viruses of movements like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and cancel culture. These movements, according to Rice, represent the many “flavors of anti-American ice cream” that promote cultural Marxism. Through The Woking Dead, Rice hopes to rally his generation to fight back against these forces, which he believes are the foot soldiers of societal decay.

Throughout his career, Rice has worked with a wide range of high-profile clients, from politicians to media personalities to authors. While each campaign represents success, they also embody a larger mission: defending America’s values and way of life. His time as the executive producer of both The Laura Ingraham Show and The Monica Crowley Show was particularly formative. Building these shows from the ground up sharpened his skills as a storyteller, a critical element in media strategy. “Story drives everything,” Rice says, from radio and TV to best-selling books. His experience with these two conservative powerhouses also provided him invaluable mentorship. Describing them as “fire and ice,” Rice credits Ingraham and Crowley with helping shape his career and giving him insights that few others in the industry possess.

Rice’s most recent book, The White Privilege Album, continues his critique of contemporary American culture, this time focusing on what he calls “racial grievance hustlers” and cultural Marxists. These forces, according to Rice, thrive by dividing Americans along racial lines, undermining the shared sense of national identity. His message to readers is simple: reject these divisive figures. “They’re frauds,” Rice declares. He believes that America can only move toward greater unity when these race hustlers are marginalized and rejected. For Rice, unity comes from recognizing the shared values that define America, not the artificial divisions imposed by those who profit from racial tension.

A.J. Rice’s career stands as a testament to the power of narrative, strategic thinking, and a deep commitment to conservative values. Whether through producing influential radio shows, writing best-selling books, or working with high-profile clients, Rice has consistently shaped the conversation around the key issues facing America. His influence extends far beyond the traditional PR role, making him a central figure in the conservative movement’s ongoing fight for the heart and soul of the nation. As he continues to engage in the “arena of ideas,” Rice remains a force to be reckoned with—both in public relations and in the broader battle over America’s future.

Learn more about A.J. Rice’s work in the following link.