The feminist author Eurydice Eve calls out feminism’s disdain for motherhood
The feminist author Eurydice Eve calls out feminism’s disdain for motherhood
Eurydice Eve is a feminist author, artist, and podcaster who has been on the frontlines of cultural wars since the 1990s with the publication of her first seminal book describing women’s alienation from their bodies in patriarchy. Eurydice became a feminist icon when she wrote titled EHMH: An Anatomical Prophecy that took place inside a giant woman’s living body, where the main characters lived. As a fiber artist, she introduced post-feminism to the general public. As an investigative journalist, she published controversial features on sex in the Vatican and sex in the military in Spin magazine. Eurydice then published a non-fiction book titled Satyricon USA: A Journey Across the New Sexual Frontier with Scribner. Based on years of social research and hundreds of interviews, Satyricon USA notably prophesied the cultural wars that now threaten American democracy.
Eurydice now calls on feminists to fight for mothers’ rights. She sees the overturning of Roe v. Wade as the clarion call for a global “Mothers’ Lib” movement.
“Feminism bypassed and thereby disincentivized motherhood by upholding patriarchy’s zero-sum choice between motherhood or independence and autonomy, motherhood or paying work and career. We feminists forfeited the achievements and contributions of countless generations of mothers and sacrificed the interests of billions of mothers on the patri-logic that women could only gain equality if they acted as men (and even then received 20% less remuneration) and produced what men produced. That logic forced women to adopt the male ethos, and to view fellow women as antagonists. In Marxist terms, feminism fell for the superstructure and ignored the substructure,” Eurydice explains. “Feminism encouraged women to adopt the optics of male supremacy, saunter into the boardrooms of power in pantsuits and use the male logos to compete for privilege, view their own bodies through the male gaze and generate income off OnlyFans and Seeking Arrangements by monetizing their sexual nature. Feminist slogans like ‘My Body My Choice’ became the rallying cry of anti-vaxxers and people seeking federally funded reassignment surgery. ‘Bans Off Our Bodies’ alluded not to the interdependent bodies of mother and fetus, whose intertwined coexistence guarantees humanity’s survival, but to the alienated bodies of mothers and their fetuses—prospective mothers whom feminism taught to equate reproductive freedom only with abortion, and abortion with reproductive health. Meanwhile, mothers continued to trade away their rights to their children and live in domestication and self-exile. Democracy is Demographics. Imagine if mothers became single-issue voters! Motherhood rights can reunite women with their bodies. Motherhood is consistent among all cultures, due to the supremacy of natural programming over cultural programming. So the liberation of motherhood can unite cultures. The economy must account for the work of mothers and valuate it as any other job. Full-time mothers deserve full visibility.”
An extraordinary woman who has used her skills and talents to effect social change, Eurydice Eve is a portal to the future. She calls herself a cultural manifestor and in person she has the effect of a transformer. Eurydice writes on Universal Mother Income in her weekly https://Eurydice.substack.com newsletter.

Sujan Pariyar is an internationally accomplished writer and entrepreneur, with his work featured in various renowned international magazines. Known for his innovative ideas and compelling storytelling, Sujan continues to inspire and engage audiences around the world.